Congratulations On Your Healthy Attitude About Food. I Can’t Relate.

Sure, diet culture and food restriction are terrible. But have you seen me around the break room goodies?

Crissi Langwell 🦋
5 min readOct 22, 2021


Photo by Ben Stein on Unsplash

This week, I asked my Facebook friends to share what foods they would eat if there were no rules. And the comments were enough to make my mouth water. Pizza. Mozzarella sticks. Fried chicken. Red meat.

And then one friend asked who was making these rules.

My red flags started whipping in the judgment wind. I refrained from answering, choosing to hit the “laugh” emoji instead, acting like her question was just funny and not triggering. But you know me, I’m not one to keep quiet when I’m triggered. So I finally said something flippant about age and getting rounder and then moved on….

And then clicked over immediately when she replied back: “I enjoy the health of having an appetite. I love my body and tell it so in all of its forms. So, basically, I eat whatever feels good to eat in any given moment. I adjust my clothing for my fluffy body.”

Yeah. Thanks for sharing. How lucky for you.

Don’t get me wrong; what my friend shared was an absolutely healthy way of treating your body. I follow a million body…



Crissi Langwell 🦋

Romance & women’s fiction author. I write on Medium about a variety of topics because I’m not good at staying in one lane.